Subsea Hoses | Parker Hannifin
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Specifically Designed for Oil & Gas

Parker designed its High Resistance Collapse (HCR) hoses with a stainless inner carcass that provides industry leading collapse strength needed in deep water applications.

Offshore Application Video

Collapse Resistant Hose Video

High Pressure Subsea Hydraulic Hose Assemblies

Parflex produces so many products for the oil and gas market it’s difficult to highlight just a few. With over 30 years of experience of producing thermoplastic hose for oil and natural gas applications, we've produced over 750,000 feet of bundles and over 40 million feet of pilot hose for rigs. Below are some of the products that are changing the industry through new innovations and solution driven design.

The industries only multiple color collapse resistant HCR hose combines a crush resistance of 6,600 psi and collapse resistance of 10,000 feet of seawater to offer the ideal solution for deep sea hydraulic applications including subsea hydraulics, BOP stacks, well stimulation and flying leads.
HRC Hose
Chemjec subsea hose assemblies feature extremely long lengths which reduce potential leak points by eliminating multiple adaptors. These offshore oil and gas hoses withstand high pressure cycles with no signs of stress cracking.
subsea umbilical hose assemblies

Popular Subsea Hydraulic Hose Assemblies

Parker Parflex offers fast response constant pressure hoses for a wide range of land based, off shore and subsea applications, as well as premier hose solutions for every aspect of hydraulic Blowout Preventer (BOP) controls from topside connections to plumbing the stack.

Parker designed this Fast Response Constant Pressure Hose for applications that involve offshore drilling and require fast and accurate response times. Long continuous lengths up to 14,000 ft (4,270 m) are available.
575X Fast Response Hose
The seamless, extruded Polyamide core tube in this hose has a wide range of media compatibility and the high tensile steel reinforcement provides a full 5000 psi working pressure at 4:1 design factor.
2340N-24 BOP Stack Hose
From topside connections, to plumbing the stack, Parker offers premier hose solutions for every aspect of hydraulic BOP controls. Polyflex 2380N offers increased tensile strength and mechanical resistance with a PA12 or methanol-washed PA11 core tube.
2380N Hotline Hose
ultra high pressure oil and gas hose
Low volumetric expansion, low pressure drop and a sea-water resistant polyurethane jacket make the 2390N BOP stack hose one of the most popular deep sea hoses Parker offers.
2390N BOP Stack Hose