altair & clearcurrent filters and systems | Parker Hannifin
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Superior Gas Turbine Inlet Filtration Solutions

Parker provides predictable, reliable output for gas turbines in today's challenging environments with superior engineered filtration solutions.

Trusted Around the World

altair and clearcurrent filters and systems from ParkerParker develops and produces high quality gas turbine air inlet filters and systems that provide superior performance in a wide range of environmental conditions for applications including Energy and Electric Utilities, Oil and Gas and Ship Propulsion. Whether you need a cartridge, vCell, pocket or panel filter or a complete gas turbine inlet filtration system, our filtration solutions portfolio is designed to meet your operating goals.

Oil & Gas Applications

Filtration solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry

Oil and gas operations are often situated in remote locations. They require high availability and low downtime rates from their gas turbines, all while battling harsh weather conditions, high levels of airborne particulate and salt ingress. Parker and the altair® line of products deliver solutions that bring air quality to your turbine, improve gas turbine availability and provide extended operational capability, whether your application is located offshore, on an FPSO, a coastal LNG refinery or any point in between.

Learn more about Parker's Oil & Gas Filtration Solutions

Power Generation

clearcurrent filters and systems are ideal for protecting your gas turbine

When it comes to selecting the right filter for your power plant, our clearcurrent® filter portfolio offers extremely high levels of turbine protection for a wide range of environmental conditions. New filtration technologies from Parker have been proven to reduce compressor degradation and improve turbine output, availability and reliability, gaining power from the turbine for no extra cost. Our filter elements are designed to be installed in new or retrofit systems and are available in a variety of sizes and construction materials.

Learn more about Parker's filtration solutions for the Power Generation Industry

Ship Propulsion Applications

Filtration solutions for Ship Propulstion

Parker has specialized in the design and manufacture of advanced air filtration and silencing systems for gas turbines for over fifty years. When it comes to protecting the engines in the naval, cruise and fast ferry industries, the top engine suppliers turn to altair® for their filtration system needs. For new ships and retrofit applications, our altair® Neptune and altair® Vega systems are proven, ultra compact demister solutions designed to remove bulk water and salt aerosol from gas turbine and diesel intakes.

Learn more about Parker filtration solutions for the Ship Propulsion Industry

Personalized Filtration Planning

Personalized Filtration Planning from Parker

Are your filters performing?

With clearcurrent® Personalized Filtration Planning from Parker, you can find the right fit for your applications depending on your operating environment. Parker and clearcurrent filters can help lower your operating costs, deliver longer filter life and simplify your maintenance. Learn why Parker is the superior choice for gas turbine inlet filtration.

Your Air Filtration Specialists

Air Filtration Specialists

We understand how important it is to protect your valuable gas turbine assets. Failure to address contaminants can lead to reduced performance, expensive repairs, and eventually can cause a catastrophic failure of the turbine components. To understand how Parker gas turbine inlet filters and systems can help your application, view our related resources.

Visit our Resource Center

Contact Us

As a world-class specialist of air filtration for gas turbines, Parker offers a number of services and resources to support your operations and your gas turbines. Whether it's in the field at your site or in our fully equipped laboratories, we can perform and evaluate tests to determine the impact airborne hazards will have on the performance of your gas turbine.

Contact us today to see how Parker filtration systems can help protect your machines and equipment.