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Together, we can
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The Global Leader in Gas Generation Technologies

An on-site gas generator is a safe, cost-effective, and convenient solution to a delivered gas supply

Together, we can
make nitrogen from compressed air

The Global Leader in Gas Generation Technologies

An on-site gas generator is a safe, cost-effective, and convenient solution to a delivered gas supply

Together, we can
find the way to a cylinder-less lab

The Global Leader in Gas Generation Technologies

An on-site gas generator is a safe, cost-effective, and convenient solution to a delivered gas supply

Together, we can
eliminate dependence on a delivered gas supply

The Global Leader in Gas Generation Technologies

An on-site gas generator is a safe, cost-effective, and convenient solution to a delivered gas supply

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IH2 Industrial Hydrogen Generator Provides an on demand, continuous source of hydrogen gas which can be used in a wide range of applications such as power generation, chemical, metal treatment, renewable energy, research and laser cutting. The iH2 is designed to provide a continuous supply of hydrogen in high volumes at pressures of 5 or 12 bar / 70 or 175 psi. The hydrogen can be delivered at purities of up to 99.9995%. Designed and manufactured around a low maintenance alkaline cell with built-in hydrogen conditioning and automatic hydrogen production flow control the iH2 is compliant with ATEX equipment directive 94/9/EC.

Parker has redesigned its PSA Nitrogen Generators to significantly improve performance. The new models offer flow rates up to 50% - 180% higher than previous generation models. Theses Dual Bed Nitrogen Generators will produce up to 99.999% pure, compressed nitrogen at dewpoints to -58°F (-50°C) from nearly any compressed air supply. The generators are designed to continually transform standard compressed air into nitrogen at safe, regulated pressures without operator attention.